Healing the Healer

The purpose of this program is to provide healing and support to persons taking care and supporting survivors either in a residential or non-residential facility. Such individuals are susceptible to vicarious trauma. It is a part of the human condition to be affected by the pains of others, and overtime cumulative exposure to the pains, and sufferings of others begin to take its toll on the helpers. Thankfully the impact of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout can be reversed through education, self-awareness and participating in group activities.


The Educator offers the following services to help mitigate the impact of vicarious trauma on persons working with survivors of sexual abuse, exploitation, war/kidnapping, and trafficking.

The Healing Circle– monthly support group for individuals who work directly with survivors.

Training- Training in recognizing vicarious trauma and providing self-care
Assessments- Assessing for the level of vicarious trauma with staff in an organization providing care and support for survivors of trauma and sex exploitation and trafficking

Retreats – Refresh and Renew Retreats: This provides helpers with an opportunity to get renewed and refreshed as well as learn the basis of self-care, and healthy living.
Couple Retreats- Provide opportunities for helpers to enrich their marriages and light up the joy in their homes.